Since cons aren't happening I thought that this would be a good time to reminisce about my favorite con experiences. I'm sure that you all have them too so make sure to share them with me in a comment below or in my Discord group.

Animazment 2017
This was my first ever convention. It was my first time cosplaying. And so therefore I may be biased, but there is always something special the first time for a cosplayer is asked for a picture. I was cosplaying Nel and I had just picked up my pass and was following my friend to the dealers and artists when someone stopped me and asked for a picture. They said that they loved my cosplay and that I had done a great job. I posed, said thank you, then continued on my way. But I was GIDDY. I made the entire cosplay by hand and it was the first one I ever made. I was stopped a few other times that day but the first time was the most special.

Queen City Anime Con 2018
This was the con that I first paneled at. Admittedly I did initially do it for the free pass but I ended up loving it so much that now I try to panel at every con I can. This was also the first con I ever attended by myself. Sure I knew folks who were also attending the con, but this con gave me so much courage to really be at a con by myself and not feel like I need to be with a group of people the whole time.
At QCAC 2018 I also made one of my now best friends, @StrummyT on Instagram. We've picked apples together, chatted late into the night, and vented so many times. He supports me so much and I'm so glad that being alone at QCAC gave me the opportunity to be his friend.

Galaxy Con Raleigh 2019
This was the first con that I shot at. So many people placed their trust in me and others allowed me to shoot them to help build my portfolio. Out of that I made a great friend, @Petuxia on Instagram. I shot her Blake from RWBY (one of the best characters from the show, fight me) and I had so much fun chatting with her while we shot. Now we're friends and I've shot her probably more than anyone else.
Also at GCR I bought Uniglitter for the first time. I love being able to have fun with the color and sparkle and it's perfect for me as a photographer to wear to a con without feeling like I'm drowning in a cosplay while trying to shoot.
Queen City Anime Con 2019
This con was pretty awesome. I got to shoot some sweet folks and I was in two fashion shows, a j-fashion show where I modeled lolita and an adult fashion show where I was dressed in lingerie and was live-tied in shibari right on stage.
I also got to meet the voice actress for Ochaco Uraraka, Luci Christian AND I got to sit down and talk to her for a few minutes out side of a meet and greet too.
For this con, even though I live in the same city it's held in, I stayed on site in the hotel and it made things so much easier in the long run. I didn't use the pool (a real shame) but I'll have to try to do so for every con I stay at the hotel at in the future to make up for this.

Holiday Matsuri 2019
I love Christmas. It is, by far, my favorite holiday. I love the lights, the joy, the celebration, I love it all.
At HolMat there was just so much happening that I couldn't help but love it. It honestly may be my favorite con. There I got to cosplay a Christmas version of Ochaco (who I now need to do a shoot for at some point) and I got to shoot SO many amazing people. The weather was perfect and I was never too hot. I also rarely stay in hotels for cons but for this one I definitely will stay on site again in the future. It's 100% worth it to me. I got to use the hot tub there and because of the layout of the hotel it wasn't too loud either.
I also got to meet my long time mutual and friend @zesty.cosplays. I initially followed her for her amazing Froppy cosplay that she has since retired, but I soon found out that we a have a similar taste in memes and a mutual love of Tom Holland and so we quickly bonded and became friends. At HolMat I did shoot her Mt. Lady cosplay (which is the cover of this article) and I used lights at a con for the first time, so that was a great experience too!

Katsucon 2020
So at Katsu I got to hang out with some great friends and meet some face to face for the first time, one being @whimsycosplay who runs @cosplayersofBNHA.
I also got to model in a J-fashion show again and hang out with some super sweet girls. This was a designer I'd already worked with once under a different label and while her style isn't quite mine I really love getting all dolled up by her and her team. I always feel so cute and EVERY aspect of her model's outfits is so well thought out.
On Sunday I was even lucky enough to have the opportunity to photograph Yayahan. She was so sweet and you could tell that she cares about the people who care about her work.
I have even more favorite con memories but I'm not willing to share all of them quite yet. Definitely share your favorite memories with me (bonus if they include me!). If you haven't already then join my Discord group where we chat about all sorts of stuff and have fun sharing even more content!